Sunday, June 29, 2008


Opinion Intro Conglomeration
On my website I had a section called: "In My Opinion." The articles written for that section are now under this heading of Viewpoint. Under the old heading I had a bunch of introductions that do not particularly apply to this new version, and really have no meaning of any importance. But so everything is together in one place, I thought to include those introductions here.
If there is any of my writings worth ignoring more than any of the others, it is this one.
This is my field of "expertise." (What a silly word to describe what I know on the subject. Let's just say that I know more than many, and am supposed to know more than most since I am an artist, and an art instructor.) However, this category is not likely to grow very rapidly since I don't have much to say regarding the subject.

Besides, I have said a great deal about Music in the Abstract Musician.

But who knows. I might surprise myself some day and dwell on this subject. If so, the section is here waiting patiently.
Arts and Crafts are divided into separate categories. I don't see why.

I am an artist. I teach art. In my judgement, I know what I am talking about in this area, at least.

Very often when I talk to a 'crafter' about their work, and I ask if they are an artist they say; "Oh no, I'm just a crafter."

Yet their work is more intricate, more appealing, and much better done than the 'artist's' work in the booth next to them.

Now, the dictionary is rather vague on the distinction between the two. However, by considering the definition of 'artisan' under crafts, and 'craftsman' under arts, it brings the two closer together.

I have watched my aunt crochet items that amaze me. And the effort, attention, and what could be called "love" she stitches into them puts many notable artist to shame.

There are bricklayers and street sweepers who are artists. And there are 'artists' who are charlatans and slobs.

At least, that's my opinion.
Nope. Not this time.

What I say here is what I believe and feel -- at least for the moment.

My opinions are as flighty as the Dodo bird. They rarely fly, but they run around a lot.

That's a hard picture to grasp, but give it a try, if you have nothing better to do.
This will very likely be my favorite section to haunt. There is a lot of junk and nonsense stuff I have to say. Stuff that is just a bunch of rambling brainwaves that aren't worth a first thought.

And what better way to clear the cobwebs from my mind than to dump them here.

So if you have nothing better to do. And you want a chuckle or two at someone else's expense -- Why, just stop here occasionally and have a laugh, (or maybe even a tear or two) on me.
What is nature?

Is it what we see around us? Is it us?

It seems like such a simple question. And a foolish one at that.

And perhaps it is. But it is something I would like to contemplate anyway. I doubt if I will discover anything astounding. But just the search should be enlightening.
This is a subject that I will very likely avoid as much as possible. Not because I have no opinions regarding Politics, and Politicians, but because I have too many, and too heated are my opinions.
So I would just as soon let them lie.

I will say this, to help clarify my opinion. Alexander the Great was a Soldier, not a Politician. George Washington was a Soldier, not a Politician. Nations rose under non-politicians, and declined once Politicians took over.

Though I believe this, and quite strongly, there are exceptions that disrupt my theory. Lincoln was not only a Politician, but a lawyer as well. Kennedy was not only a politician, but came from a family of them.

Oh well. That's the way it goes. Every Truth I come up with carries evidence with it that it is a lie in disguise.
By Religion I mean all faiths that are directed to God, or a god or gods. The very definition of the word dictates such.

There are many beliefs that either are not directed to (a) God, that is, a form of worship that could be, and have been, shoved into this category. I am referring to Humanism, TM, and such. But these are either directed toward Self, humans in general, or/and deny the very existence of any Creator or Judge. (There are some religions that believe in a final Judge, but not in a Creator as such. These will be included in this section.)

All other thoughts, beliefs and such will be placed in the Philosophy section.

And those topics or items that relate to, or help clarify Christianity will be found in the Bible section. These include topics or references to the Old Testament as well as the New.

Also, historical events and such that either support or hinder the Bible will also be found there.
PRIDE - This topic has already been covered in Virtues and Vices, and undoubtedly will be handled in other sections as well.

But a thought occurred to me that I think warrants consideration.

Pride, Conceit, Vanity. Those words are generally known to be on the no-no list. And I can fairly well understand why.

But today I did something, just a little thing that didn't amount to anything, but it was something I believed I should do. So what? You do that all the time, right? So do I, sometimes. And sometimes I do bigger things that might be considered as kindly, quite decent even. And so do you.

But this time, I was aware of a little feeling that welled up in me.

Was it Pride?

I don't know. But what was happening, as I studied the feeling, was that I felt good about myself.

And that happens a lot. It's the reward I get for doing the right thing I've talked about this elsewhere, so I won't go into it -- the doing part I mean.

So then, is my doing the right thing creating a wrong thing within me?

Is my good feeling robbing me of my reward for doing right?

As I read what the Religious Leaders say, it appears as if the answer is, yes.

And it seems to me that the Bible gives me the same conclusion.

Yet didn't the Apostles and other early church leaders say they had Joy in spite of their bonds and afflictions?

Is there a difference between Joy and feeling good about oneself?

Is it just maybe a little bit possible that Pride is a separate thing from Feelings.

Is it possible that it's not the feeling good about running the race, or even winning the race, but thinking you are better than others because you had?

Is it possible that the ultimate goal is to feel the same about yourself, and others, whether you win or not?

If that's the case, maybe the momentary, involuntary thrill we feel is not part of the problem, but rather the problem is the egotistical feeling we struggle to have accompany us wherever we go.. The feeling which causes us to have to win. To have to be right. That doesn't allow us to just do, or be. We have to do better than. We have to be more than.

I suppose that's the answer. At least it's the one Ill stay with for now.

But like I have said elsewhere; don't be surprised if I question this, and every other thing, again. And if I contradict what I have just concluded, it's all part of the process.

Because no conclusions are ever drawn with me, or on this site. Only thoughts, concepts and ideas.

Besides, the answer I decided on is probably the one you knew all along. Right?
Science is a form of Theory which has been researched to one degree or another. It is a step above Philosophy, that is, above more than just a mental exercise that constitutes Theory.

How Scientific my definition is could very well be argued. And I am sure there are plenty of people who will do just that.

But since they are not the ones writing this web site, but I am, I get to make the final decision. And that is, to use the definition given.
(And probable Shouldn't ):
There's always something that comes up in a site such as this one that just plain doesn't fit anywhere. Not even in a Miscellaneous folder.

Usually those things are something that one isn't sure whether to throw out, or stuff away somewhere.

They are usually best fitted for the trash can. Certainly not where the world can see them.
But I'm one of those old geezers that just can't throw away anything -- even words.

Of course, it's not just a matter of age, as I was the same way when I was a young geezer.

So just consider this the Trash Can for this site. If you're one of those who likes to dig through other people's trash, then you might enjoy this section.
Life seems to never catch up with itself.

Youth provides stamina and vitality, but lacks the experience to put into practice.

Old age affords that experience and knowledge, but has been robbed of the ability to apply it.